Simples! If you received your item within 30 days and they're in new condition with the hygiene sticker intact, just head to our Returns & Exchanges page and follow our hassle-free process to sorted.
Customers are responsible for the cost of return postage. If you're looking to exchange though, we'll cover the delivery of the new item/s back to your address.
Eltee Sydney
PO Box 6374,
Kincumber, NSW 2251
Australia (include if international)
Please ensure your order # is on or in the return package, along with a note as to whether it is a return or an exchange. You'll get an email to let you know it's all done and dusted! 🫶
Once we've received your return request and assuming it fulfils the couple of criteria we have for returns, within 1-2 days of receiving it, we'll send your refund back to the method of payment you used originally.